
Make Up Air Unit For Commercial Kitchen Using An Evaporative Cooling System As A Make Up Air Unit For A Commercial Kitchen Makes The Kitchen Safer And More Pleasant.

Make Up Air Unit For Commercial Kitchen . When The Make Up Air Percentage Goes Above 10%, Drafts Begin Occurring In The Front Of The Restaurant. SELAMAT MEMBACA! Simply stated, a make up air unit pulls air in to your space from outdoors and conditions it to the indoor temperature, to replace air that's pulled out by your kitchen exhaust equipment. Heated Make-Up Air Supply Unit (10" Blower, 2000 CFM, 1021 ... from Without it, you get back drafting, poor temperature control, negative air pressure and air quality problems. That means our systems can be configured to fit your needs—and they provide the best performance in the industry. When the make up air percentage goes above 10%, drafts begin occurring in the front of the restaurant. Smells from the kitchen leak out into the dining area.